Sunday, May 14, 2017

Alvarez, Liza

Stroup Tristao, M. (2017). Sources unknown: Confirmation bias. Retrieved from

Sources Unknown: Confirmation Bias 
This is a video clip and article explaining “confirmation bias” on the San Jose Public Library Blog by librarian Megan Tirstao. The video features an example of an interviewer testing people to see if they can catch their own confirmation bias with brain exercise to find a pattern. Time after time the participants continue to incorrectly answer the puzzle because of their “conformation bias”. The article goes on to describe the concept in further detail providing examples as well as tips on how to avoid “confirmation bias”  by expanding routine media sources, relying more on primary sources, and verifying the information against more than one other source.

The article provides links to other blogs about data literacy, fact INFOchecking and “fake news”. I find this type of article and material extremely pertinent to the public in general, but very apropos of the social and political climate in the United States at the moment. Not only does this topic inform the populace on how to be more discriminatory in order to find accurate information, but it is one of much interest across the nation and can contribute to a more educated and democratic population.

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