Sunday, September 27, 2020

2019–2020 Technology Trends in Libraries

Maw, Laura


Marcotte, A. (2019, March 1). Library tech leaders recommend their favorite tips and tools. American Libraries. Retrieved from

Access to immersive technology in libraries is becoming more important as learning tools and even books enter virtual, mixed, and augmented reality platforms. With immersive tech also comes boundless learning opportunities for empathy as patrons can enter places they may have never been before, such as refugee camps and natural disaster zones. Further, as patrons increasingly look to libraries for tech training, including web and app prototyping, and digital citizenship guidance, more is expected to be done with open educational resources (OERs) in libraries.

The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the adoption of OERs in libraries across the world as patrons, young and old alike, struggle to adapt to our new virtual reality. Parents, teachers, and students are all reaching out to libraries to access online learning resources and how-to tech training more than even before. I expect this trend to continue in the future, even after the pandemic ends, because people will have become more comfortable with online learning.

Friday, September 11, 2020

Digital Collections Management Guide

Maw, Laura 


The Signal. (2019, October 11). Launching the digital collections management compendium [Blog post]. Retrieved from

With the goal of improving access to the Library of Congress’s digital collections, a team has worked across the organization to develop a digital collections management guide. The development of policies in the guide were directed by community best practices. This guide can help librarians across disciplines to manage digital collections. 

I think this guide is a valuable tool for digital collection managers as it can act as a starting document for developing individual library guides.

COVID-19 and Library Trends

Maw, Laura 


SJSU School of Information. (2020, May 26). Library issues and trends: Before, during, and after COVID-19 [Video]. YouTube.

In this video presented by San Jose State University’s (SJSU’s) Leadership and Management Program Advisory Committee, current library trends were discussed, including trends in management and leadership, services, technology, and the library workforce. In terms of service trends, small scale pilots and experimental services have become even more important in an uncertain world. Also, the ability to use technology in libraries, such as 3-D printers, to help communities develop needed items like personal protection equipment, demonstrates the necessity for libraries to pivot services and resources to meet community needs. In the same vein, online learning services have increased as more people need to use tools online for learning. Further, YouTube service models are enabling services like story time to reach wider audiences as people can view the recorded video when it is convenient for them. 

I agree that library staff’s innovation and creativity are even more salient in a changing or uncertain world. Community members depend on their librarians to lead their community through change in a positive way, which in turn, instills community acceptance of the change.

Curbside Pickup Library Service

Maw, Laura 


Newfoundland & Labrador Public Libraries. (2020, June 17). Newfoundland and Labrador Public Libraries to begin curbside services, Tuesday June 23rd, 2020, at select locations [Press release]. Retrieved from 

Curbside pickup services are the beginning of the Newfoundland & Labrador Public Libraries building reopening services. Library branches are coming into the curbside service using a phased approach, with four branches starting. With this service, patrons can access their library’s physical collection again through a contactless service, where patrons order their materials online and pick them up by drive-thru service at their local branch. Drive-thru pick up appointment times are assigned. All returned materials are being quarantined for 72 hours to prevent the spread of COVID-19. 

I think this is an innovative way to allow patrons to access their library’s physical collection while still maintaining staff and community safety during the pandemic. I wonder if people may get used to the convenience of a drive-thru service and request to keep the service after the pandemic is over. This also seems like an excellent way to make libraries more accessible to people with mobility disabilities, where the physical building may be difficult to access.

Isolation and the Digital Library

Maw, Laura 


Mercer, N. (2020, April 9). Newfoundland libraries adapting to isolation world with move to digital. The Chronicle Herald. Retrieved from

This article highlights how a library information community has been able to maintain their meetings and access to information using their library’s digital services and collection. Through the Wine, Women and Words book club, the importance of the local library in helping people maintain social connections during the COVID-19 pandemic is demonstrated. It is interesting to learn that this information community’s library, the Newfoundland & Labrador Public Library, had been bolstering their digital services and collection months before the pandemic; the reason is the same, however, to combat community isolation, which had been brought on by a terrible snow storm. With the community isolation measures due to the pandemic, the library has been experiencing more applications for library cards. 

I expect as people struggle to maintain social connections and mental wellness during the COVID-19 pandemic, more people will turn to their libraries, increasing patronage and demand for virtual library services and electronic materials.