Friday, September 11, 2020

Isolation and the Digital Library

Maw, Laura 


Mercer, N. (2020, April 9). Newfoundland libraries adapting to isolation world with move to digital. The Chronicle Herald. Retrieved from

This article highlights how a library information community has been able to maintain their meetings and access to information using their library’s digital services and collection. Through the Wine, Women and Words book club, the importance of the local library in helping people maintain social connections during the COVID-19 pandemic is demonstrated. It is interesting to learn that this information community’s library, the Newfoundland & Labrador Public Library, had been bolstering their digital services and collection months before the pandemic; the reason is the same, however, to combat community isolation, which had been brought on by a terrible snow storm. With the community isolation measures due to the pandemic, the library has been experiencing more applications for library cards. 

I expect as people struggle to maintain social connections and mental wellness during the COVID-19 pandemic, more people will turn to their libraries, increasing patronage and demand for virtual library services and electronic materials.

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