Saturday, March 19, 2016

Connection + Collaboration = Successful Integration of Technology in a Large High School: Formula for Success

Mitchell, Ruth

Lankau, Louise. (2015). Connection + collaboration = successful integration of technology in a large high school: Formula for success.  Knowledge Quest, 44(2), 66-73.

This article focuses on ways to use technology in the high school learning commons to create connections.  It recognizes that the library media teacher is co-teaching with a few teachers and has connected students to the subscription databases but that there is more to do.  It encourages the library media teacher to continue to connect with more teachers through school leaders such as administrators, instructional coaches, and respected teachers.

The author recommends two technology tools:  Symbaloo and QR codes.  Both of these tools can be used in the learning commons and created for teachers for use in the classroom.  She also offers strategies for meeting with department leaders and a variety of services you can support them with. This article subscribes specific strategies to make you, the library media teacher, the best resource available.

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