Lara, Veronica
Fought, R.L.,
Gahn, P., & Mills, Y. (2014) Promoting the library through the collection
development policy: A case study. Journal
of Electronic Resources in Medical Libraries, 11(4), 169-178. DOI: 10.1080/15424065.2014.969031
This article summarizes a study and
marketing experiment done by the Health Science Library ant the University of
Tennessee Health Center. After years of
budget stagnation forced staff to make cuts to the collection, they decided
they needed to proactively prove the library’s relevance to stakeholders on
To do this, they decided to update
an outdated policy and market the changes to stakeholders. Since the college had recently gone through
an accreditation review, the library updated their collection development policy
to more accurately reflect the goals of the school. The library’s Electronic and Collection
Services department headed the project that began with an inventory of the
library’s current holdings. This process
allowed staff to weed the collection of unusable materials. It also allowed them to identify weaknesses
in the collection.
They then surveyed both students and
staff to determine what kinds of materials and subjects were wanted and
needed. The survey showed three levels
of collection goals: Research, clinical/instructional support, and
minimal. Each level contained various
subjects that they hoped to grow in a certain way. For example, they hoped to offer more
research data in the subjects of neurology and neuroscience or more
instructional support material in the subject of occupational therapy and
family medicine. The decision was made
to offer only minimal materials in other subjects, such as nutrition. These choices were based on an analysis of
the date and recommendations of participants.
After they analysis, access was
increased to many core titles available through databases. The library invested in an EBSCO Discovery
system that would simplify the search function.
Also, the library implemented a pay-per-view subscription to databases,
which would increase access to items based on need.
The final step in their project was
to publicize the results of the study through as many avenues as were
available. The library also publicized
the increased access to databases. This
included facebook posts, listservs, emails to faculty, and newsletter
articles. Because of this, the library
saw in increase in use and positive feedback from the community.
This article is a perfect example of
what a powerful tool collection development can be. With no resources, libraries can make a
compelling statement to stakeholders about what they hope to accomplish. This is especially true if the library
outlines how they will be accomplishing their goals. In the Health Science Library’s case, they
were able to implement changes immediately. It shows incredible foresight and a clever
use of limited resources to garner more support and resources for their
What I
found most intriguing about this article was how familiar it all sounded. The steps the Health Science Library took to
develop their collection have been steps we have taken as students in our
individual studies. Like HSL, we began
with an inventory of not only the collection, but the community as well. We were then able to analyze the results,
looking for discrepancies or inconsistencies.
Through analysis, we identified weaknesses, and proposed a collection
development policy that would help bridge the gap between those
discrepancies. If nothing else, this
article made me feel more self-assured of my capabilities after taking this