Saturday, November 5, 2016

Is It Time to Move the Books?

Stephannie Tornow
Fall 2016

Pattee, A. (2015). Is it time to move the books? Young Adult Library Services, 13(4), 13-17.

Summary: YA books are becoming increasingly popular among adult readers. Thus, are YA books still an age-designation or a meta-genre? Pattee explores the idea of YA as a genre and considers how libraries can move their collection to reflect this. Pattee discusses how moving the collection so that YA is a genre within the adult collection might allow patrons to find books easier.  

Evaluation: Despite Pattee's strong argument for YA as a genre rather than an age-designation, Pattee doesn't fully explore the possible complications of moving collections around. The article glosses over how this situation would effect Teen Centers/Rooms, stating these collections are better suited for materials that only relates to teens (i.e. study guides, college prep, etc.) whereas YA fiction and graphic novels need their own space within the collection at large. Pattee doesn't address how YA being a meta-genre would affect reorganization. Would the YA genre encompass horror, sci-fi/fantasy, mystery, etc.  (as it does in bookstores)? Wouldn't this lead to the same issues bookstores face, where people don't know whether to look for a book under YA or fantasy? That being said, Pattee poses some interesting questions about our current methods of categorizing books, designating collections, and what it would mean to reorganize.

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