Chapman, E. L., & Birdi, B. (2016). “It’s Woefully Inadequate”: Collections of LGBTQ* Fiction for Teens in English Public Library Services. Journal of Research on Libraries & Young Adults, 7(1), 1–29.
This article highlights a study conducted in the UK that investigates how accessible and available LGBTQ+ fiction is to teens in British libraries. Using a mix methods approach they compared library holdings and collections to a list of LGBTQ+ resources and titles they created and collected to see how much of that list was present and in what formats. Sadly the reported findings suggested that very few libraries had a strong collection of up to date and positive LGBTQ+ fiction available for young readers. Research suggested there were significant gaps and much needed room for improvement across most of the library branches they surveyed. The MLIS staff who were interviewed were often shocked and disappointed that so little relevant titles and resources were available.
Though the results of the study proved disappointing because of the clear lack of titles available to LGBTQ+ youth and teens the study was very successful in exposing a gap in the collection. The results of the study were distributed to the branches they conducted their research at and the staff were able to see their lack of collection and start to address it. The staff also were given access to the list created be the researchers so they could build and grow their collection of LGBTQ+ materials that are genuinely wanted by LGBTQ+ teens.
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