Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Greener Collection Development

Megan Hamby
INFO 266

Connel, V. (2010). Greening the library: Collection development decisions. Endnotes: The Journal of the New Members Round Table, 1(1), 1-15. Retrieved from http://www.ala.org/nmrt/sites/ala.org.nmrt/files/content/oversightgroups/comm/schres/endnotesvol1is1/3greeningthelibrary.pdf

Connel’s paper discusses how libraries recycle and reuse resources as well as how they can further educate patrons as well as themselves about the various ways to reduce the amount of waste in their institution. These are two of the levels she presents as ways libraries create a greener collection as well as working with schools and adding resources to create a more sustainable collection. Connel also mentions how libraries work towards creating greener collection development policies including recycling e-waste and computer equipment, repairing old computers and consolidation.

One of the interesting things I found about this article was that Connel provided a large amount of data addressing the carbon footprints of the U.S book and publishing industries. What is great is that she addresses the fact that libraries are often adaptable and flexible. She also mentions the importance of being mindful to the “energy-saving and resource-recycling policies and behaviors (p. 10) which is something libraries already take into account.

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