Monday, May 14, 2018

Building a Library Advocates Committee

Jessica Brooks

Wallace, L.K. (ed). (2006).  Library advocate's handbook. American Library Association: Library Advocacy Now! Accessed online 5/14/18.

This  handbook outlines how to get a library advocacy committee started.  The handbook makes suggestions for possible members from the community in recruitment for the committee, discusses the importance of having an action plan, and delivers resources to help advocates plan for speaking engagements and other types of advocacy in the community.  As a guide, it is full of tips, checklists, and other useful reminders for working as an advocacy group in the public eye.

Building a Library Committee is part of my five year plan, and this is exactly the type of resource I need to get started.  This is not a rhetoric based article pontificating on WHY a committee is important, but HOW to get one started.  It is authentic and relevant, with useful tips and suggestions that will help me to plan for and chair a committee that will be working for the library in our school's community.  I particularly appreciate the Action Plan reminders and the "Defining the Message" worksheet.  This is a very valuable resource.

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