Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Can Diverse Books Save Us?

Allison, Jamie


Ishizuka, K. (2018). Can Diverse Books Save Us? School Library Journal, p. 28.


In April 2018, School Library Journal surveyed 22,000 public and school librarians to determine the importance of cultivating diverse materials. “Diverse collections, in this context, were defined as books with protagonists and experiences that feature underrepresented ethnicities, disabilities, cultural or religious backgrounds, gender nonconformity, or LGBTQIA+ orientations.” (2018, Ishizuka). The study showed that 81% of librarians felt building a diverse books as “very important.” Not a surprise. However, because of the deep political divisions and derogatory racist language used by President Trump, hate and racist reports have increased dramatically. In fact the article states that, “The largest number of reports on a single day in K–12 schools occurred on November 9, 2016—the day after President Donald Trump’s election.” (2018, Ishizuka) As a result, many librarians believe it is more important than ever to collect books that may increase tolerance and empathy. One School librarian, Santra Parks states, “Shifting our collection to incorporate diverse books may be the most important thing I have done in my career.” Providing students with mirrors and windows books where they can see themselves in the characters and books where they can learn about others different from them are important ways librarians can help break down intolerance. Many report the need for more books on black or African American, biracial or multiracial, disabled, neurodiverse, LGBTQIA, ELL, Gender nonconforming, Latinx, non-Christian and Native or Indigenous peoples. Finally, I learned of MOSIAC an organization that selects and promotes books that realistically and authentically diverse perspectives historically and contemporarily. The Lincoln Public Schools created a digital collection of MOSIAC worth checking out.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jamie- I was just reading (and loving) this article in my library's copy of SLJ. I am pretty obsessed with diverse Children's Lit and I am happy to see a rise in articles/discussions covering the importance of these books, esp. in our current day and age. Thanks for featuring this! Best, Emily
