Stephanie Armatis
Wonder, Valerie (2010). San Francisco Public Library Needs Assessment: Report on Findings. WebJunction. Retrieved from
Summary: This is a needs analysis performed by the San Francisco Public Library system in 2010. They identified a need to increase library services though they were dealing with a decrease of library funds. The main goal was to start an online instruction program. To perform the needs assessment, library staff gave written and oral surveys to patrons, organized focus groups, and compiled informal observations and existing data in order to understand user needs and the potential for the proposed program. From this they identified patron needs, which included: career-centered assistance (like resume and application help), social and government help (like citizenship and tax help), educational assistance (like homework help), enrichment and recreational activities, and various skill-based needs like computers and how to use the library and its resources. From these observations and conclusions, they were able to develop their needs assessment and the next steps that their library will take in order to achieve them.
Evaluation/Opinion: This resource can be useful to see how other libraries perform a needs assessment since that is one thing that can affect collection management decisions. Though this needs assessment is older (2010) it was done in response to the recession. Many libraries are dealing with decreases in budgets because of the current pandemic, so the two scenarios will have some similarities. I liked the suggestions about instruction that were mentioned, like marketing what the library already has to offer and to not do it alone (meaning you don’t have to create everything in-house and you can direct patrons to online tutorials that can be found elsewhere online). With dwindling budgets, tips like these will be especially useful for libraries nowadays.
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