Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Survivor: Can We Outlast, Outwit Amazon?

Laudato, Maricar

Braun, L. B. (October 2014). E-book subscription services: It's about convenience. VOYA.


Linda Braun discusses the concern that some librarians have over the growing popularity of eBook subscription services such as Amazon Unlimited, Oyster Books, and Scribd. With these services, customers pay a subscription fee to gain unlimited access to that server’s collection of literary works. Adding fuel to the fear is that libraries will no longer remain relevant because of the ease and convenience of these eBook subscription services over the limitations that one faces with library. However, Braun argues that libraries will continue to remain relevant as long as we continue to provide the service that we are trained to do: show students how to find, evaluate, and use reliable information sources.


I thought that Braun’s article was interesting because it underlined how important the role of convenience went into play when it came to how patrons wanted their information delivered. Libraries had long relied on the fact that simply because their services and information was free that people would consume it. Therefore, it is completely understandable that the notion that people would pay to have information delivered to them because it is more convenient and easier would strike fear in librarians’ hearts. However, libraries have survived the mega-bookstores, but it has yet to be seen if libraries can outlast the services of the “Amazons” out there!

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