Sunday, April 28, 2019

Getting Started with AR/VR Mixed Reality

Ishizuka, K. (2019). Get Started With AR/VR/Mixed Reality. SLJ Webcasts.

In this fifty minute webcast, AR/VR Mixed Reality tools, resources, digital forums, and curriculum-aligned lessons are discussed.

AR/VR (Augmented Reality/Virtual Reality) is a not-so-new tool that is increasingly gaining steam in the educational setting. With the introduction of affordable tools and curriculum aligned content, libraries are becoming the hub for offering AR/VR. One of the speakers, Aditya Vishwanath, Ph.D student at Stanford University, has found that with AR/VR student engagement is increasing in content-related lessons. Through VR/AR students are asking higher level questions that focus on the "why" instead of the "how." With inquiry-based learning and increased critical thinking, students are gaining knowledge and experiencing content while immersing themselves in the curriculum. AR/VR is a resource that will expand collections, make connections, and open doors for people to experience the world through their school or public library.

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