Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Weeding without worry: transparency and communication help ease weeding woes

Kate Lasky
INFO266 Spring 2019

Vnuk, R. (2016, May). Weeding without worry: transparency and communication help ease weeding woes. American Libraries47(5), 50+. Retrieved from

In “Weeding without worry,” author Rebecca Vnuk reviews opportunities to improve communications and support transparent practices in the deselection of library material as a regular and proper process for all librarians.
Weeding is often negatively represented in the news. Damaging stories are most commonly generated by an employee or community member who is uninformed about the process of weeding and its necessity as part of collection development. Author Rebecca Vnuk advocates that librarians prepare public communications in advance of large weeding projects and promote transparency.
The article outlines several ways librarians can frame communications by focusing on making room for new materials, updating the offerings, opportunities for inter-library loan, and patron requests for purchase. The article offers a few examples of weeding “horror stories.”
Finally, the author advises librarians to find ways to reuse and recycle weeded material to help patrons understand the books will be used in the future.
The article, though brief, is a helpful reminder that effective communications requires thoughtful preparation in advance. Creating a list of frequently asked questions and answers and posting them on the library website can help employees, patrons, and board members better understand the finer points of deselection of materials.

1 comment:

  1. Kate, I am so glad you posted this article. We are heavily weeding at a few sites in my district and it is always a good reminder to follow some of these PR steps.
