Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Virtual Reality (ALA Trends)

 APA Citation:

Virtual reality. American Library Association. (2017, June 16). https://www.ala.org/future/trends/virtualreality

Posted by: Federwisch, Erik


This article provides a detailed overview from the ALA about the importance of AI in libraries in the upcoming years. While the article is from 2017, it provides several useful insights into the role AI might play in the future. Some of these reasons include providing equitable access to an emerging technology, assistance for patrons overcoming phobias, increased social interaction and implementation of new learning environments made possible through a 360 degree virtual space that users can traverse. The "Notes and Resources" section is where this article shines, though. It provides 30 resources to give librarians and library workers a better scope of the possibilities AI presents libraries.


While the article mostly provides an overview of AI as it applies to libraries, the resources it compiles in the "Notes and Resources" section are invaluable to understanding how you may implement VR in your own library to create better connections between patrons and resources

Link to full article:


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