Friday, September 4, 2015

Collections for the Digital Age

Hoback, Nicole

Reference: Disher, W. (2014). Crash course in collection development. Santa Barbara, CA.: Libraries Unlimited.

In chapter 15, Collections for the Digital Age, Disher (2014) delivers a thoughtful argument as to why e-Services are on the rise. With technology improving and becoming more accessible this has many libraries questioning their collection and its future impact. Libraries are now not as eager to update their physical collection and pay more attention to their electronic collection. The advantages to collections online (i.e. eBooks) is the accessibility that patrons are able to utilize from any device that can access the internet. With eCollections on the rise libraries have a unique opportunity to reinvent themselves and the space that once housed large print collections. Unlike traditional collections, digital collections take away the headache for users, such as late fees and do not require the traditional processing times. Of course to any change there are downsides to consider, one being that patrons who do not have internet access at home will be unable to take advantage of these changes, the library must now rely on technology, which can pose issues from time to time. Despite these obstacles, libraries are still choosing to pursue an eCollection, others deciding to purchase both the online and physical copy, but this can be difficult when a library can only afford to purchase one, due to budget constraints. With the continued improvements to technology it will be important for libraries to keep up with technology to remain relevant to its patrons. 

Reading through Disher's thoughtful analysis of the development of eCollections, I felt that many important points were made. One being that libraries will have to step out of their comfort zone and provide more options other than a print collection. While he does make many important points of the importance of an eCollection he also mentions the downsides, which are important when considering the impact that this will have on the libraries identity as a whole. For those who live in rural areas an eCollection may not be as important as keeping the physical collection up-to-date, due to the lack or unreliability of internet access. With technology expansion and eCollections on the rise I feel that this is an important time for libraries and expanding their network of patrons. 

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