Monday, December 7, 2015

Ebooks, and their progress?

Wilson, Shibrie

Sun, C. (2015). Ebooks Take Hold in Schools—Slowly. School Library Journal. Retrieved from

According to research studies performed in 2014, 60 percent of schools nationwide provide ebooks, up from 54 percent in 2013. Although, nationwide there has been an increase in average amount nationally, average amount per school is relatively low. The cause of low numbers per school is due to limited access to devices and mainly cost being driven factor. Carolyn Sun, author or journal entry recognized that there is a "lack of student awareness of ebook availability, and lack of training about the downloading process." Since debut of iPad and iPad mini these devices are favorable amongst students who use ebooks and circulate often in comparison to other materials. Some individuals believe that this will be a new wave of materials for the library considering ebooks are cost effective and cannot be destroyed in comparison to print materials. School librarians expect that spending on ebooks will significantly increase in next five years.

I am enthused about ebooks and it being hot topic for libraries nationwide. I see both perspectives of it being both positive and negative. I certainly believe that students and teachers should have a choice as to whether a book is available in print or digital. Personally, I am a fan of print materials due to fact I like to mark things out and appreciate tangible items. If ebooks are cost effective and can somehow stop budget cuts from librarians then I fully support them. 

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