Wilson, Shibrie
Dankowski, T. (2013, July 16). How Libraries are Using Social Media. Retrieved from http://americanlibrariesmagazine.org/2013/07/16/how-libraries-are-using-social-media/
There are many different ways of interacting with users from library and one emerging outlet is Google Hangouts. Creating blogs in which patrons can post different subject areas and librarians are able to gain more knowledge about those they serve. Social media is in regards to cost and is not limited to a particular size library. A library in Fredericksburg, Virginia created a parody video using famous disco song "I Will Survive" and to their surprise the video went viral. Some libraries have used social media in form for campaigning for funds and have been very successful when doing so. One community in particular is Charlotte Mecklenburg, NC in which community members came together and raised money and this was all thanks to social media outlets. Promoting awareness of libraries by using social media has deemed to be immensely successful for those who use this method.
To sum this article in one word, I must say it brilliant. Libraries are being proactive using social media in order to bring awareness to what is taking place. This also shows how communities truly appreciate libraries to go as far as raising money in order to keep libraries open. Promoting on social media with an intended goal is great to use.
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